The indefatigable brother

In the Society of Jesus not all members are priests, some are brothers.
We dedicate one of the last columns of the year to the figure of the Jesuit Brother, thanks to whom, yesterday as today, the many activities of houses and provinces during the calendar year can be completed.
In the Society of Jesus not all members are priests, some are brothers.
What is the difference between a father and a brother? Fathers have received priestly ordination while brothers are consecrated laymen, i.e. people who have chosen to dedicate their lives to service, within the Society not as priests.
They are, however, bound to the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, they cannot, of course, celebrate Mass, but they perform a number of tasks indirectly related to it, carrying the Eucharist or preparing the priest’s supplies.
In the past, the brothers were a very numerous component in the provinces of the Society of Jesus, at least until the first half of the 20th century, then with the transformation of modern society their numbers decreased.
Thanks to the tireless work of the brothers, the management of residences, exercise houses, colleges was assured.
They were in fact engaged in the most disparate tasks, often bringing with them previous experience gained before joining the Company.
For each boarding school or house there was at least one brother cook in the kitchen, a brother tailor, on the other hand, worked hard to repair and fit the uniforms of the boarders and also those of the brothers in the same community.
If the community had a car, there was a brother mechanic in a small garage, always ready to change some broken part or replace a flat tyre.
Light bulb to be changed? Pantry to restock? The electrician or the dispensary brother would take care of the order, who was also in charge of supplies for the preparation of lunches and dinners, he often acted as cook.
Some were also expert shoemakers, masons, putting the skills and craft of their relatives at the service of the Company.
Finally, for colleges or novitiates surrounded by gardens and parks, the brother gardener was always present.
In the same house, there were not always more than two or three brothers, so the one who was was often a handyman.
Some brothers have gone down in history for their special artistic talents, Brother Pozzo who lived in the 17th century for example, is remembered for his frescoes and designs, more recently Brother Venzo was another painter and sculptor who was highly appreciated in Italy and abroad.
The hard work was punctually acknowledged in the house councils and – to each brother – thanks came from the Fr Provincial and Fr General on the anniversary of 50 or 60 years of religious life within the Society of Jesus.
Maria Macchi