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Historical Archives
Jesuits - Euro-Mediterranean Province

Historical Archives

The historical memory of the Jesuits in Italy

The Historical Archives of the Jesuit Euro-Mediterranean Province preserve the records of six former Jesuit Provinces, residences, colleges and journals in Italy from 1814 onward.

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Detail of a document and bookcase with catalogues stored in the Historical Archives of the Jesuit Euro-Mediterranean Province in Rome

Featured documents

Relics of saints and venerables, distinguished alumni of our colleges, evidence of customs and traditions in other historical periods: here is a selection of interesting documents from our Archives.

Detail of the Kontakion donated by the monks of Grottaferrata Abbey to the Jesuits of the Castel Gandolfo novitiate in August 1890 - document preserved in the Historical Archives of the Jesuit Euro-Mediterranean Province in Rome

Our holdings

Useful information