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Historical Archives
Jesuits - Euro-Mediterranean Province


Research in the Historical Archives of the Euro-Mediterranean Province is free of charge and open to qualified researchers with an interest in scientific investigation.

Restrictions on consultation

In compliance with the regulations of the Holy See, it is possible to consult documents produced up to October 1958, the end of Pius XII’s pontificate.

Documentation produced after October 1958 belongs to the “closed” period and cannot be consulted, with the exception of photographs, print material, newspaper articles, and grey literature.

Rules for access

Our Archives are private and visits are by appointment, to be arranged by telephone or e-mail.

The use of a face mask is required.

Food, drinks and sharp tools are prohibited in the study room.

The use of pens is strictly forbidden.

Researchers can use personal computers, paper, pencils, tablets.

Each researcher may request four volumes per day, two at the first request to be returned before the second; two archival units may be left on deposit for no more than seven consecutive days.


Each researcher is obliged to report the publication of her or his articles, theses, monographs produced as a result of research in the Archives; in addition, a copy of each publication must be delivered to the archivist who will place it in the library.

Detail of the school report card of Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, former pupil of the Jesuit college San Francesco Saverio in Livorno - document preserved in the Historical Archives of the Jesuit Euro-Mediterranean Province in Rome

Featured documents

Relics, personal belongings, distinguished alumni, memories of other historical periods: a selection of interesting documents from our Archives.

Useful information