Jesuits in Italy during the political turbulence of 1848
What happened to the Jesuits in 1848 in Sardinia, Genoa and the cities of the Papal States? These are just some of the possible case studies that can be investigated… Read more
What happened to the Jesuits in 1848 in Sardinia, Genoa and the cities of the Papal States? These are just some of the possible case studies that can be investigated… Read more
During the reorganisation of the photographic series of the Istituto Massimo in Rome, among the photos of class groups, outings, Communions, professors and Jesuits, we also found several photographs of… Read more
The children you see in the photo are not students at a Jesuit college, nor do they attend an oratory or a religious school run by Jesuits. Who are they?… Read more
When we search for information online about the Jesuit oath, we find descriptions of obscure and secret rituals, made up of gestures, often macabre formulas with references to violent acts… Read more
What did a Sardinian child ask for himself and his family in the mid 20th century? Today we go back in time to 1958, to Cuglieri, Sardinia, where the Society… Read more
Today, many cities in Ukraine are in the news due to the ongoing conflict and the drama of war refugees. None of the ancient Italian provinces of the Society had… Read more
What are plates and trays doing in our compacts? Our Archives do not only store documents; often the folders contain objects that have an archival link with the rest of… Read more
The fate of Jesuit remains has not always been the same since the Society was born. Some rest in crypts, some in ossuaries, some in cemeteries. Let us look at… Read more
Among the many apostolates of the Society of Jesus is the spiritual care of orphans. In the New Society we do not have many traces of this apostolate, so far… Read more
What instruments did the Jesuit scientist Angelo Secchi use in the astronomical observatory at the Roman College? We are going to find out today thanks to an unpublished document. Recent… Read more
On 20 September 1870, the Papal States fell and, with it, the temporal power of the Pope ended. How was that day experienced by the Jesuits who lived in the… Read more
We are used to covering short and long distances by car, train or plane, means of transport that are now part of our daily lives. How did Jesuits travel to… Read more